Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My First Time....

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself first and foremost. My name is Nelly and this is my first time.My first time for what you may ask...LOL...well, it's not what you think so get your mind out da gutta!!! This is my very first attempt at blogging. I have always wondered and had a curiosity in blogging, but never knew where to begin until today. I was browsing through the internet and it just popped up on my screen stating>>>>>
                                                              "You wanna Blog",

I'm like yeaaaaaaa..So I went through the 3 steps they had and the fact that it's FREE, made it even more enticing. So here I am. I have a title up there but not sure what my concept is or where it is I'm going with this. I'm a New Head so bare with me and come along for the ride.Enter the MIND of A BEAUTY, A GEM :) The most BEautiful , Intelligent most fashionable  Sexy divalicious chic you wanna ever meet.
Hey , Hey like I said it' my Blog i do what I want. HOpe you enjoy it, we will make it a blast if anything...Deuces

How often do you change your hair style?